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    XLN's future is looking bad

XLN's future is looking bad

Discussion in 'Website Information and News' started by skullz613, Jun 30, 2024.

  1. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I knew the time would come when XLN would have to face updating the vession we are on or face closing.
    Our webhost has to upgrade the servers software (Operating system, SQL, PHP etc) to versions that are safer and more up to date. This means websites will need to make sure they are upgraded so they will work on the new server software.
    XLN is running on an outdated version no longer supported by Xenforo so we would need to update to Xenforo's XF2 version.
    The license for the version we are on is owned by Icyhot. Its not fair to expect him to fork out for the upgrade on a site that is slowly dying.
    If there is enough financial support for XLN to live on, then I will put some money towards getting a XF2 license myself. I can not do this all by myself.
    Below is the basics we need to keep going. Prices are in USD

    After that we will need to look at the sites theme as the one we are on will not work on the XF version we are on. There are also a few plugins that we will need but I dont mind paying for those myself.

    Time is not on our side as the webhost needs to get the upgrades done to the server ASAP.
    If we can't do this in time then I will make a basic homepage that the xlnation.city domain will land on, with information why we are down and how to donate to reach our goal.

    I hope we can keep XLN alive as theres no other site like ours that is solely for XL/XXL
    We have become the main source for mods and I'd hate to see it vanish for good.

    Little Update: I have been told that a charge will be added to the monthly bill ($3 USD) untill we can upgrade. May be a small price but we still are running on outdated software and risk getting hacked if a vulnerability is found the the old software. Also the hosting company will not wait forever.
    campanaracing and axel like this.
  2. veija2

    veija2 Mayor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Hi Skullz. I recently started taking XXL out for a spin again after years of not playing. I still love the game. I can't imagine an XXL experience that didn't include this site. I owe a debt of gratitude to you, Icy Hot and all the contributing members here. Thank you for all you've done.

    I pledge $50.00 towards the needed upgrades. Come on, XXLers, let's get this done.
    axel likes this.
  3. axel

    axel Governor

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Hey Skullz,
    I completely agree, and would like to donate 25 euros, but unfortunately I cannot donate more due to economic concerns here in the Netherlands. but I do want to contribute and hope that we can enjoy the site for many years to come and perhaps an upgrade will also contribute, I do my best to make as many mods as possible and still do that way to contribute to the game.

    P.s. I need to know where i can donate

    Cheers axel
  4. Kalrisian

    Kalrisian Executive

    Sep 17, 2014
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    I would like to donate, but I don't have PayPal anymore. It would be a shame to lose this page. I will definitely play for some time. How time flies. I've been playing Cities for almost 15 years now. But one must not hide the truth. The game is hardly played by anyone anymore and there are no more mods. There is nothing going on in the forum either.
    Axel was the last one to release some mods. Thank you very much Axel!
    I hope for the best for XL Nation.
  5. evilcatdog

    evilcatdog Skilled Worker

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Perhaps it may be wise to package the sites contents into downloadable packages for posting on other services eg clouds etc, and link to that from now on? It does seem that not many utilise the site here for anything other than nostalgia or downloading mods. Lets call it, and archive it. And share that widely. Just my opinion? But it also seems not far off from the total donations needed? How much is left?
  6. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    As for archiving the site, this was talked about at somepoint but had not really thought about it more. The site traffic is still pretty good so people just are not active on the forums and just register to get access to downloads.
    I've added a goal to the donation box. One donation was made on the monthly one which I can include in the upgrade goal. $360usd to go if it's included
  7. veija2

    veija2 Mayor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    What happens to donations to fund the upgrade if the goal is not reached?
  8. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    The goal end is roughly when XLN will go down as it will just error when the server update is done. I plan to setup a simple html page with a donation link and keep a tally on the page of the amount raised. I'm hoping that most of the total can be raised and as I mentioned I should be OK to put a bit towards it myself.
  9. veija2

    veija2 Mayor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Got it. I wish I could pledge more. Since only 2 member have pledged and no donations have been made, I'm not so hopeful about reaching the needed amount.
  10. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Yeah it could take a while. The ad payment is nearly it it's payout total so I can add that to the goal. Will only be around $83 usd but every bit will help.
  11. veija2

    veija2 Mayor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    @skullz613, when we see some action here, like half the amount needed being pledged, I will donate the $50.00 that I have pledged. On my limited income, I can't justify donating that amount if it is not going to be put to use for an undetermined period of time.

    If there is still traffic on this site?
  12. SuperVizor

    SuperVizor Vagabond

    May 14, 2024
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    Damit, enjoying this game so much, recently discovered it, too bad, this site seems to be closing, a lot of mods will vanish, I want to work on some kind of compilation of the best mods and make one big game upgrade for cities xl platinum of it, but I guess its too late =(
    axel likes this.
  13. axel

    axel Governor

    Sep 1, 2014
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    no, it is not too late, there will be an update of the site which I understand, and if we can all make a donation then the website will continue to be updated and we can all enjoy it for years to come.
    I don't think the website will just go away,
    what I see is that there are still quite a lot of viewers on this website, we just have to look at how we can donate, unfortunately Paypal will not work for everyone.
    and I will always keep making mods as long as I can
    SuperVizor likes this.
  14. SuperVizor

    SuperVizor Vagabond

    May 14, 2024
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    The thing is that cities xl is really amazing game, ive been playing for weeks, once you get the hang of the controls etc and know the tricks you can do alot, also I did some experiment and managed to remove the requirement for the town hall from buildings, so you don't need to connect anything anymore, more like simcity 4, its cool this way you can make seperate roads etc. Also seems theres lots of options for traffic, but only a few are used, the game got tons of potential but lack of interest by the new dev after monte cristo made the game chabby, especially since cities XXL only runs on win 7-8
    axel likes this.
  15. axel

    axel Governor

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Yes its a verry good game i play it for many years and it got indeed potential thats the reason i stil spend much time in making mods and the die hard fans are stil playing and just to say the game runs also on W10 and W11
    SuperVizor likes this.
  16. SuperVizor

    SuperVizor Vagabond

    May 14, 2024
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    Wait you mean XXL? Ive been trying for weeks to try get the game running but I keep getting a error when I start the exe of cities xxl, xl platinum works fine though
  17. axel

    axel Governor

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Hi buddy, yes i rune XXL on W11
    SuperVizor likes this.
  18. SuperVizor

    SuperVizor Vagabond

    May 14, 2024
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    Wow, like how :O To me it keeps giving the 000007b error from framework, I tried literally everything and (re)installing all runtimes etc
  19. Inan

    Inan Governor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    It would be great to keep the game alive somehow.... and to have a website like this in the future. I hope you can solve this
    Gabriel Barr, axel and SuperVizor like this.
  20. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Just added a little update at bottom of my post. We have the preassure released a little with just an extra charge for now.
    axel likes this.

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