- Compatible:
- CitiesXL 2011
- CitiesXL 2012
- CitiesXL Platinum
Gateway Arch is included but not shown in the pictures.
Change log 1.2:
Class files from Mr.X²'s no collision box fix were added to this patch to prevent crashes when Mr.X2_UrbanEmbellishmentPackII-NoCollisionAddon_V1.0.patch is deleted from the mods folder.
Thanks to Mr X² for providing them.
Change log:
- Fully working with XL and XXL
- Animated fountains with water particles.
- All items merged into a single object with lods, now you'll see the whole object while placing it. Technically they should perform better.
- Collision box removed. Place on flat terrain!
- New rendered nightlights for most of them.
- New menu location Decoration/Landmark (same as UEP III)
Installation notes:
Delete the UEP II patches from your mods folder (10 patch files).
Delete Urban Embellishment Pack II - No Collision Addon 1.0 by Mr.X² from your mods folder if you have it installed, it's these have no collision and both mods are incompatible.
You don't have to delete the old ones from your city before updating, after placing the new patch file your city should load normally and the updated models will appear instead.
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- Installation Pre-requiste(s):
- XL Nation User Interface Mod by Altiris
Shader Pack by Altiris
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XLN's future is looking kind of grimPloppables Urban Embellishment Pack Vol. II XXL-XL 1.2
Recent Updates
- Updated to avoid crashes after deleting no collision box fix. Feb 18, 2016
- Update February 2016 Feb 17, 2016