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Dependency Shader Pack 2.0

Custom Direct-X Shader Pack

  1. Altiris
    • CitiesXL 2011
    • CitiesXL 2012
    • CitiesXL Platinum
    DO NOT install this mod in Cities XXL, it is not compatible. an updated DX11 version is now included in the XXL CM, use that instead.

    This Pack Contains some new custom shaders, and will be used as a Prerequisite.

    None of these new shaders overwrite the originals, and will only effect content created with these shaders.

    Copy the .Patch file into your games Paks\Mods folder, if required to do so by another mod.

    Remove "XLN_Altiris_Shader_Pack_v1.0.patch" first before installing v2.0

    Special thanks to Monty for allowing me to include his enhanced building shader and illuminated vehicle shader in this pack, to keep prerequisites down.
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):

Recent Updates

  1. New Custom Shader Added

Recent Reviews

  1. ev23
    Version: 2.0
    It really works in XXL
    1. Altiris
      Author's Response
      No it doesn't, you should not use it for XXL
  2. Ardaffa
    Version: 2.0
    What is the function of this mod?
  3. Mr.X²
    Version: 2.0
    one of THE two must haves, awesome and thank you very much :)
  4. Scott K Anderson
    Scott K Anderson
    Version: 2.0
    Thanks million! I'll download it right away. Always happy for your fine work and works! Keep up the good work!!!
  5. lguzman2011
    Version: 2.0
    I love it when experts upgrades our mods or tool. Thanks Altiris!
  6. luis diogo
    luis diogo
    Version: 2.0
    Great, many thanks.
    How about the XLN_Altiris_Shader_Default_Road_v1.0? Should we also delete it?
    1. Altiris
      Author's Response
      Nah leave that one, this pack is new custom shaders only, that one will override the default one, so they are left seperate.
  7. Masterpiece
    Version: 2.0
    Great! So we need to delete both Monty's enhanced shader and Altiris' shader pack v.1.0 and replace them with this mod, right?
    1. Altiris
      Author's Response
      yep, delete the old one. the monty ones have been in this pack for a while now.
  8. raymaster
    Version: 1.0
    It is much needed :D
  9. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: 1.0
    This mod is needed for many other mods.
  10. OTEPhil31
    Version: 1.0
    Thanks for the patch. . I've trying to find out for days if whats wrong the new mods. .this was the greatest solution. . xD