This is RHM2 bought to you by Pity.
- Requirement(s)::
- Cities XXL Community MOD
- Game Version:
- Cities XXL 2015
Transportation - Realistic Highway Mod (RHM2) | XLNation - Cities XXL
I just made the adjustments to the menu\filter and updated tags in the class files.
Upgrades by MrX2 added also, taken from project thread.
Inofficial RHM-Edit #3:
like always: give credits to original author (yeah i know pitty isnt active anymore), remove other rhm-versions and use it on your own responsibility
You must have XXL Community Mod v2.0 Installed, remove any 'RHM' titled patches first.
Content has been moved to MSCUSTOM
additional Patch for players using German roads
Transportation - FIX GERMAN ROADS / RHM XXL
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If your using your home or work IP address and have not received your registration email, check your spam folder.
PLEASE DO NOT ASK TO HAVE YOUR ACCOUNT DELETED IF YOU HAVE POSTED IN THE FORUM! If so we do not delete accounts due to the mess it can make on the forum.Please see the following thread for more information
XLN's future is looking kind of grimTransportation XXL Realistic Highway Mod 2.5
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